woensdag 4 september 2024

Stephen King: Pet Sematary

 Hi everyone

I finally read one of Stephen King's absolute classics; Pet Sematary. And what a ride it was!
I got my copy from Bol.
You can find all my Stephen King reviews here.

" The house looked right, felt right, to Dr Louis Creed.

Rambling, old, unsmart and comfortable. A place where the family could settle; the children grow and play and explore. The rolling hills and meadows of Maine seemed a world away from the fume-choked dangers of Chicago.

Only the occasional big truck out on the two-lane highway, grinding up through the gears, hammering down the long gradients, growled out an intrusive note of threat.

But behind the house and away from the road: that was safe. Just a carefully clear path up into the woods where generations of local children have processed with the solemn innocence of the young, taking with them their dear departed pets for burial.

A sad place maybe, but safe. Surely a safe place. Not a place to seep into your dreams, to wake you, sweating with fear and foreboding... "


   * * *        SPOILERS        * * *


This was sooo heavy. Especially now I have children (3 years and 7 years) it really hit me differently. The moment Gage dies and every word after chilled me to the bone. Before this scene the book was good but not amazing. But after his death it turns really dark and terrifying. It's horror but in a psychological way, it makes you doubt yourself and question how you would react, how your sanity would fare.

The writing is perfect for this novel. It's easy to read, atmospheric, there's a chill in the air from the first chapter and it's hard to put down. I did though, and frequently too because I felt chilled, short of breath and terribly sad. 

The last 50 or so pages were absolutely mental.

Happy reading!

dinsdag 23 juli 2024

Should I start this again?

 Hi everyone 

It's been awhile! I'm thinking about writing some blogposts again though I'm still rather hesitant.

Are blogs still being read? Should I continue writing in English or should I  write in my native language Dutch? Is there even an interest in bookblogs? Will I  be abme to keep it up?

What do you think? Any thoughts?

Love, Helena