dinsdag 13 september 2016

J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Hi everyone

This is my review for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling. It’s the seventh book in the Harry Potter series and this is obviously not my first time reading the series.
My copy has 620 pages and I got it as a gift from my husband.
You can find my Harry Potter reviews here.

                                *   SPOILERS   *

This book is great.
It was with a sigh of sadness that I finished the book.

Rowling manages to tie all threads together into one coherent story. Most questions are answered, most characters are fully worked out and we can truly understand their motivations.

The pacing is a bit off from time to time. The beginning especially is slow and it takes some time to get the action going.

The book is full of sadness but it’s also full of hope. It’s an uplifting, moving and very emotional journey. There were many teary-eyed moments spread throughout the book.
But it's also uplifting to read about everyone working together towards a common goal: defeating Voldemort.

Happy reading!

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