woensdag 26 augustus 2015

Richard Matheson: I Am Legend


I got this little beauty at the Boekenfestijn. It has 3 pages introduction by Richard Morgan, 160 pages of story and 2 pages afterword by Stephen King.

“Robert Neville is the last living man on Earth... but he is not alone. Every other man, woman and child on the planet has become a vampire, and they are hungry for Neville's blood.
By day he is the hunter, stalking the undead through the ruins of civilization. By night, he barricades himself in his home and prays for the dawn.
How long can one man survive like this?”

The prose just does the job; it’s nothing fancy or elegant but straight to-the-point.
The setting and characterization of Robert are terrific though. 
It’s like reading the diary of the last man on earth. The loneliness and isolation seep through the whole novel. 
Most of all, this is one amazing novel, absolutely haunting and terrifying. I could hear them, see them and I could smell the garlic. And I felt so sad for Robert.

Highly, highly recommended.

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