vrijdag 7 maart 2025

Tasha Suri: Empire of Sand

 Hi everyone

This is my short review for Tasha Suri's Empire of Sand. I got my copy from Bol.com.
Empire of Sand is the first book in Suri's duology The Books of Ambha.

"Mehr is a girl trapped between two cultures. Her father comes from the ruling classes of the empire, but her mother’s people were outcasts, Amrithi nomads who worshipped the spirits of the sands.
Caught one night performing these forbidden rites, Mehr is brought to the attention of the Emperor’s most feared mystics, who try to force her into their service by way of an arranged marriage. If she fails in their bidding, the gods themselves may awaken and seek vengeance…"

This was really mediocre and I won't be continuing this series. I might read something else from her. 

I couldn't feel anything for the story or the characters. I didn't care what happened to them, what they did or felt. The magic/religion felt rather ridiculous and I frequently rolled my eyes reading about something new concerning Mehr's heritage etc. 

The writing was good and there was a great atmosphere throughout the book but the plot was too slow and I didn't connect with the characters.

Happy reading!

zaterdag 1 maart 2025

Wrap Up: February

 Hi everyone

February is finally over. Just like January, I feel like these months are double the actual days.March holds the promise of at least some sun and the beginning of springflowers. Autumn and Winter in Belgium are cold, grey and very rainy.
It 'made' me spent most evenings (after my daughters were asleep) on the couch with tea and a book.

Here's what I read in Fabruary:

- Greg Pizzoli: Worstje en zijn vrienden

- Robin Hobb: Dragon Keeper

- Sam Harris: The End of Faith

- Sarah Andersen: Adulthood Is a Myth

- Fonda Lee: Jade City 

- Ilona Andrews: Magic Bites 

What did you read?

Happy reading!